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Tour of Beijing 2014
China  /  10 Octubre - 14 Octubre

Edition: 4 (764.5 Km)
Winner: GILBERT Philippe

Race Winners

2014 GILBERT Philippe


2012 MARTIN Tony

2011 MARTIN Tony

Previous 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Stage 5 > Beijing (Tiananmen Square) - Beijing (Bird’s Nest Piazza)
14 Octubre / 117.00 kilometer
Start time:13:50h
Stagewinner: MODOLO Sacha
Winning time:02:40:10
Klassementleidster: GILBERT Philippe
Parcours:Etapa llana   /   Llegada llana

Descripción | Previo | Revisión | Video | Results | Classification | Subclassifications

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